What is the story with tankless water heaters?

- They only fire-up when hot water is needed, saving energy over the long term.
- A large family with continuous use will create HIGHER energy bill (due to larger burner in the tankless unit)
- New technologies in TANK water heaters and boilers are now more efficient, giving a family a choice to use what fits their lifestyle.
- Proper installation, such as gas line size, is essential.
What is a hot water circulation system?
- "Circ pumps" are installed on a hot water line that does a loop through the home.
- When hot water is needed at a fixture, the homeowner presses a button to activate pump.
- The pipe will circulate the water through the lines while it is heating up, saving water from going down the drain.
- A point of use pump can also be installed, bypassing the creation of a loop in the plumbing.
- These systems can be used with a tank OR tankless water heater.
- Again, proper installation is key. If not done properly, the system can corrode pipes, wear out equipment and cause energy loss.
Toilets have new designs to flush better using less water.
- Shower heads have new water saving designs that still provide comfortable experience.
- Filltration units now waste less water and provide better taste.
- Essential minerals are no longer wasted and salt is not introduced into sewer system.
- Best to make decisions as early as possible.
- Changing a fixture in the midst of the project can lead to re-working waste or water lines, leading to more labor charges to the client.
- Having specifications on fixtures will aid in communication between client and contractors
What is going on with solar thermal systems?

- They combine solar input to water heating systems and lead to less utility usage.
- Work along with water heater and even space heating.
- Proper design and equipment choice is key due to complexity of systems.
- Tax refunds are available to homeowners.
- Solar thermal systems can be MUCH more affordable than solar power systems.
For more information or to discuss anything read here...please call our office at (408) 287-4886.